km ridden today: 224
km ridden total: 4632
Photos today: 194
Photos total: 7105
Castles/Palaces total: 3
Pubs visited total: 13
Churches/Cathedrals total: 14
Ferries total: 2
Rainy days total: 7
So it rained last night, just what I didn't want to happen. Oh well life is like that. 😊🌧
So the road out wasn't as bad as I thought it was, I think that last night I was really tired and I was going down hill so it seemed bad, so I was panicking about nothing really.
I rode along some beautiful coastline.
This Trump golf course had some pretty impressive buildings.
I didn't walk up to the lighthouse as I didn't feel like walking that far in my bike gear.
I don't have any photo's coming into Glasgow as the camera battery had gone flat well before then. I did make sure that I played George singing Glasgow on my way in though (more on that shortly)
I went around the back of the Embassy Apartments where I was staying to the carpark (as I didn't want to park out the front on the street), I had to go up an alley way which was made of these big slippery stones, so another freak out moment.
The apartment was really nice and huge. I think the bathroom was the same size as my room at the lighthouse.
My riding boots are Altberg, I have had them for about 7 years, they are fantastic boots and very comfortable for all day wear and even walking around in. Altberg are located in Richmond where I was staying in Yorkshire.
I couldn't believe it when I just took them off today and the sole on one pulled apart.
Of course it couldn't have happen whilst I was there so I could get them to fix it.
I though I really need to get this fixed as tomorrow I am off to the Outer Hebrides and doubt I will be able to do anything there.
Lucky I had arrived early afternoon into Glasgow, but only problem being that it is Sunday, so I googled shoe repairs and found there was one opened till 1600, current time is 1500, so ordered an Uber and off I went. A big thanks to the gent at Mac's who glued it back together free of charge, he did say that if I was staying around longer that he would have recommended for it to be resoled.
Fingers crossed it will last the rest of my trip and I don't have to worry about resoling till I get home. (I really don't want to have to purchase another pair of boots).
It was only about 3km back to where I was staying so I walked back. It was a lovely walk with most of it being along the river. I forgot to start Strava at the start of the walk.
After arriving back at the apartment I had a bit of a rest before I headed off to Jinty McGuinty's (about 1km away).
My favourite singer is George Donaldson from the band Celtic Thunder I thought that one day I would get to Jinty's to see George perform but sadly George passed away on 12 March 2014 at 46 years of age. I still wanted to visit Jintys so that I could raise a glass to George.

Here is to you George NNGB, 4 ever in our 💖
Some links for George's Music:
George singing GLASGOW the song I listened to as I rode into the city.
Some more photos in Jinty's.

Click the target for today's photos 🎯
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