23 August 2019

UK/Éire Trip Day 49 - Lisnaskea - Gráinne Service

km ridden today: 221
km ridden total: 8076
Photos today: 158
Photos total: 11,135
Castles/Palaces total: 5
Pubs visited total: 18 
Churches/Cathedrals total: 15
Distilleries total: 3
Ferries total: 7

Rainy days total: 17


So it didn't take long for my boots to break. I had ridden in them for 2 days. First gear change today and the tightener broke. I hope that @rst_moto
does spares.

So with Gráinne being low on oil, I thought I should get her serviced. We have done just over 8,000km since her last service and probably have another 6 or 7,000 to go before we get home.

Big thanks to Alan @mototempo for fitting us in at short notice and giving her a check over.

Alan even fixed my busted boot fastener.

After Gráinne's service we went and collected a photo rally point and looped around back to Castlederg.

The awesome thing about today was that even with the dark clouds there was no rain and even some sunshine. 😀

Click the target for today's photos🎯

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