km ridden today: 227km ridden total: 6346Photos today: 210Photos total: 9232Castles/Palaces total: 3Pubs visited total: 18Churches/Cathedrals total: 15Distilleries total: 2Ferries total: 6Rainy days total: 12
Look at the sky. 🤞it stays that way.
I had a huge sleep in. I've been waking up so early since I got here, but today I didn't get up till 0830. Although I did have a late night. Which is the fault of CJ Archer as I couldn't put down her latest book. CJ is an Australian author who writes historical fiction/fantasy mostly set in London. If you like this type of thing I recommend you check out CJ's books.
I was enjoying a nice ride and then the road I was going to take was closed.
Ok so choice was to turn around or go up the road on the right, this is what I did. My GPS kept telling me to turn around, I just kept going.
Then I came to a T, which way to go, I stopped looked left, then right, to the right was a man standing next to a motorbike so I went that way, I pulled up beside him and explained to situation and where I was going. He said for me to follow him and he would show me which road to take, so we turned around and off we went.
Ok so choice was to turn around or go up the road on the right, this is what I did. My GPS kept telling me to turn around, I just kept going.
Then I came to a T, which way to go, I stopped looked left, then right, to the right was a man standing next to a motorbike so I went that way, I pulled up beside him and explained to situation and where I was going. He said for me to follow him and he would show me which road to take, so we turned around and off we went.
A big thanks to that gentleman for showing me the way. The little detour added about 40km to my trip, but who cares, I'm on holiday, riding my bike in Scotland and bonus it wasn't raining. 😁 🏍
I got to the distillery and booked in to do a tour. It was interesting comparing the processes between this distillery and the one I went to the other day.
I got to the distillery and booked in to do a tour. It was interesting comparing the processes between this distillery and the one I went to the other day.
We had a taste of 2 Whiskys, I had a small taste and then took the rest to go.
I then headed back, going past Balmoral Castle, apparently the Queen is there.
and got to ride through Glenshee again, did get a bit of rain through here but not much and it was amazing once again, you know when, it's a good road when you can't help laughing out loud when you're riding it.
and got to ride through Glenshee again, did get a bit of rain through here but not much and it was amazing once again, you know when, it's a good road when you can't help laughing out loud when you're riding it.
Click the target for today's photos 🎯
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