km ridden today: 0
km ridden total: 7340
Photos today: 15
Photos total: 10,532
Castles/Palaces total: 5
Pubs visited total: 18
Churches/Cathedrals total: 15
Distilleries total: 3
Ferries total: 7
Rainy days total: 15
Lazy rest day today. I have done some blog updates.
There was blue sky this morning. I can't prove it as I didn't take a picture. I was just about to go out and do a check over Gráinne
but now it's raining, oh well I'll have another coffee and do another blog post.
but now it's raining, oh well I'll have another coffee and do another blog post.
It will probably be fine again in a few minutes.
Holy bejezzz an hour later & it's still raining and now a bit heavier. I should have done Gráinne this morning.
Holy bejezzz an hour later & it's still raining and now a bit heavier. I should have done Gráinne this morning.
So my relaxing day turned into a frantic afternoon.
It didn't look like it was going to stop raining but it was only light so I went out to check Grania.
Saw a Peacock. Decided to start to wear in my new boots.
First reconnected the tyre pressure monitors to my GPS as they weren't connecting.
Then did a general check around, checked clutch & brake reservoirs, all good. Checked engine oil, oh 💩 can't even see any, damn, damn, damn why didn't I check it on day 1.
Got a cab to take me to the bike shop, awesome in peak hour, grabbed oil, bought 2 litres, just in case, back to the hotel, it's raining even harder now (there's Murphy 😁).
She took about 300ml, over bought on the oil (better to be safe than sorry).
I have never had to top up oil before, but then again I suppose I have done roughly double my yearly kms since being over here.
First reconnected the tyre pressure monitors to my GPS as they weren't connecting.
Then did a general check around, checked clutch & brake reservoirs, all good. Checked engine oil, oh 💩 can't even see any, damn, damn, damn why didn't I check it on day 1.
Got a cab to take me to the bike shop, awesome in peak hour, grabbed oil, bought 2 litres, just in case, back to the hotel, it's raining even harder now (there's Murphy 😁).
She took about 300ml, over bought on the oil (better to be safe than sorry).
I have never had to top up oil before, but then again I suppose I have done roughly double my yearly kms since being over here.
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