29 July 2019

UK/Éire Day 24 - Wolverhampton to Winsford

km ridden today: 177
km ridden total: 3434
Photos today: 251
Photos total: 5445
Castles/Palaces total: 3
Pubs visited total: 11 
Churches/Cathedrals total: 12
Ferries total: 2
Rainy days total: 4

Beautiful morning. Wish it had been like this yesterday.

My first stop was at Wenlock Priory "An Anglo-Saxon monastery was founded here in about 680 by King Merewalh of Mercia, whose abbess daughter Milburge was hailed as a saint. Her relics were miraculously re-discovered here in 1101, attracting both pilgrims and prosperity to the priory."

I love exploring these ancient ruins.

The next stop was the RAF Museum @ Cosford.

Final destination was Winsford where I would be spending the night with Terry (Tex) the Tosser, his 2 Jack Russells, Chenelle & Alfie, and his visiting pug Frank.

Terry is a mad Cronulla supporter so I bought Chenelle & Alfie a present each and they love them, they are definitely now supporters of the Mighty Manly Sea Eagles. 😄🐕🦅🦅🦅

I think Terry the Tosser was trying to get me drunk. 4th pub and 4th pint

We then had dinner at our 5th put with our fifth pint.

Click the target for today's photos 🎯

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